SOLEX Exhibitor Manual 2022

12th – 14th July 2022

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  1. Welcome
  2. The Exhibition Team
  3. New Product Showcase
  4. Exhibition Timetable
  5. Quick Reference Guide to Contractors
  6. Exhibitors wishing to demonstrate Cooking Devices on stand
  7. The A-Z of Services & Regulations
  8. Regulations for Stand Building
  9. Health & Safety
  10. Site Rules & Induction
  11. Order Forms


This exhibitor manual is designed to help you plan a successful exhibition, to avoid any problems and to enjoy a smooth, trouble-free run-up to the event. Please do not hesitate to contact the organising teams if you have any queries.

Please ensure you read this manual fully and don’t forget to get your completed forms back to us by the stated deadlines.

This manual is NOT designed to replace our personal service. If you have any questions, require special assistance or any clarification whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Have a great exhibition!

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The Exhibition Team

Operations Team

For information relating to your stand, this manual, exhibition services and the venue contact:

Maelstrom Event Solutions Ltd
Global House
Shrewsbury Business Park
Sitka Drive

Tel: 01743 606744
Fax: 01743 606749
E-mail: [email protected]

Sales Team

For information relating to sales, marketing, visitors, sponsorship, publicity & invoices contact:

Gina Hinde
Tel: 023 9225 8844
Fax: 0333 800 2046
E-mail: [email protected]

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New Product Showcase – Submission date 12:00 on 20th May 2022

This year we will be changing the format of the new product showcase, we do not have the room in halls 17/18/19 to house a separate area for new products, so this year we will be supplying a free-standing POS unit which we would ask you to put next to the NEW PRODUCT on your exhibition stand.

The rules remain the same that any product must be NEW, or a significant improvement on a previously shown item, and not just something left over when you finish dressing your stand.

The NEW PRODUCT is an OPT-IN option, and exhibitors are to formally request for a POS UNIT to highlight their new item.

All submissions must be made by 1200 on 20th May 2022, in order for us to order the POS UNIT. No applications will be accepted after this date and time.

The POS UNIT will be a floor standing unit for each item and no other POS information is permitted. You will be contacted to provide the following information:

All NEW PRODUCTS will have a POS UNIT, which must have a minimum information set:

  • Company Name
  • Stand Number
  • Product Name
  • Brief product description, including what is new, innovative, and environmentally friendly about the product.

There will be a prize for the best new product, which will be judged by an independent panel. This year there are five categories and five prizes to be won!

  • Best New BBQ Product
  • Best New Furniture Product
  • Best New Individual Product (for a product that falls outside the BBQ or Furniture remit)
  • Best New Sustainable Product

All new products will be judged by a group of industry professionals. 

Winners will be awarded advertising and marketing prizes in conjunction with the BBQ Mag and Garden Trade News. 

Up for grabs, £2k worth of Ads in GTN for the Furniture winner and £1k worth of ads in GTN for each of the winners of the Individual product Award and the Sustainability Product Award plus free advertising within the BBQ magazine for the winner of the best BBQ Product.  

These great prizes will allow winners to showcase their new products within the pages of these two great publications.

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Exhibition Timetable

Saturday 9th July08.00 – 18.00
Sunday 10th July08.00 – 19.00
Monday 11th July08.00 – 21.00

All stands must be completed by 20.00 on Monday 11th July 2022

Show Open TimesTime
Tuesday 12th July09.00 – 17.30
Wednesday 13th July09.00 – 17.30
Thursday 14th July09.00 – 15.00

Exhibitors can gain access to the Exhibition Halls from 08.00 on show days & must vacate the halls by 18.30 on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th July 2022.

Thursday 14th July15.30 – 22.00
Friday 15th July08.00 – 16.00

On no account may stands be broken down before 15.30 on Thursday 14th July 2022

Please be aware that any stand fittings, machinery or equipment left in the venue after 16.00 on Friday 15th July 2022 may be disposed of and any incurred costs charged directly to the exhibitor.

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Quick Reference Guide To Contractors

Audio VisualAztecTel:
+44 (0)20 7803 400
Carpet/Floor CoveringXav-eightTel:
01446 509 110
[email protected]
0844 3388338
0844 5811434
[email protected]
CleaningThe NECTel:
0844 3388338
0844 5811434
[email protected]
01446 509 110
[email protected]
LiftingMaelstrom Event SolutionsTel:
01743 606744
[email protected]
Internet AccessThe NECTel:
0844 3388338
0844 5811434
[email protected]
RiggingXav EightEmail:
[email protected]
Stand Plan Inspection & ApprovalMaelstrom Event SolutionsTel:
01743 606744
[email protected]
Water & WasteThe NECTel:
0844 3388338
0844 5811434
[email protected]

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Exhibitors wishing to demonstrate Cooking Devices in the Outdoor Area & on their stand at SOLEX 2022

LOFA are providing a LOVING OUTDOOR LIVING ZONE cooking area for those exhibitors that do not wish to demonstrate their BBQs & Fire Products in the exhibition hall. This area will be free to exhibitors. Each exhibitor who wishes to participate will be given a 3m x 3m gazebo where they will be allowed to demonstrate their products between the hours of 11.30 and 14.30 each day.  For more information email [email protected] or [email protected] .

Gas, electric, wood and charcoal cooking/heating devices may be demonstrated. Exhibitors will be allowed to demonstrate one cooking/heating device per stand.

For Gas devices, the provision of gas is the exhibitor’s responsibility – all gas bottles must be delivered to the NEC, marked clearly with Exhibitors name and stand number, and stored in the Gas Cage which will be proved by the show organisers outside the hall.

The organisers reserve the right to curtail any demonstration if, in their opinion, the cooking/heating demonstration process is disturbing neighbouring stands, by heat, smoke, aroma, crowding or any other issue.

Any exhibitor wishing to demonstrate a cooking/heating device must supply the organiser with the following information-for both indoors and outdoors:

  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate (Valid for the date of the event)
  • Risk Assessment (including fire safety arrangements and emergency procedures e.g. use of safety valves/cut off)
  • Product/Material Safety Data Sheet
  • Type of fuel / Size of cylinder / Quantity being used / Stored
  • Location and security of fuel source on stand during use
  • Planned Time of use, frequency and duration (Maximum 15mins )
  • Number, size and type of fire fighting provision (extinguishers)
  • Equipment Inspection Certification (e.g. Gas Safe Certificate)

Exhibitors must also comply with the NEC Cooking Regulations and Guidelines (detailed below) as well as completing the attached 2 forms before they will be allowed to demonstrate a barbecue at the exhibition.

This year as the cooking is outside each exhibitor has to apply for a local authority exemption for any BBQ exhibitors sampling food at their show or alternatively obtaining a Food Hygiene licence.

  • There must be a competent person who holds a Food Hygiene certificate on the stand for the duration of the activity.
  • Completed HACCP Document
  • Allergen information
  • Any food supplied must come from a supplier registered as a food business .
  • Refrigeration and hand wash facilities (to include adequate hot and cold running water) must be present on the stand if required (see Food Safety Flowchart)
  • Temperature control records must be used throughout when cooking food
  • Sampling is classified as ‘maximum 1 bitesize item’

Gas Bottles can only be collected from the gas cage before 0830 each morning of the show and must be returned between 1800 and 1830 daily, except on the last day of the show when they must be removed at 1500 and breakdown may not commence until all gas is safely removed from the hall.

The SOLEX Organisers will provided a wash-up facility, on a first come first served basis, at the back of Hall 17. If this facility is abused or not kept clean and hygienic, its use will be removed.

If you are looking to demonstrate and cook please get in touch with Maelstrom – [email protected]

Download Documents

NEC Flow Safety Flow Diagram
NEC Intent to supply Food and Berverage

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The A-Z of Services & Regulations

Access Hours

Access to the National Exhibition Centre is restricted to the hours shown in the Exhibition Timetable

During the build-up and break-down periods although vehicles will be admitted to the site, they will be held in the traffic marshalling area and will not be allowed access until the hall opens at 08.00 hrs.

Please ensure that your contractors are aware of these arrangements. Permission for earlier access, in exceptional circumstances only, may be granted at the discretion of the organisers and the NEC and any charges levied will be passed on to the exhibitor. Please contact the organisers in the first instance.

In particular, please note that should you or your contractor require late working, we must be contacted before 14.00 hrs on the relevant day. During the exhibition open period the hall will be open from 08.00 hrs and until one hour after the exhibition closes.

Please ensure that all vehicles are booked into Carbon Voyager to have access to the back of the hall –

For the convenience of Exhibitions, Contractors and Visitors we have exclusively reserved rooms at the following hotels until 31st May 2022:


The consumption of alcohol during build-up and breakdown is not permitted.

Audio Visual Equipment

Aztec have been appointed as the official AV contractors for the exhibition.

Aztec Event Services Ltd
Units 1-2 Falcon Business Centre
14 Wandle Way

Tel: +44 (0)20 7803 400
Email: [email protected]


Build Up & Breakdown

Build Up
Access to the exhibition will be via the vehicle access doors as directed by The NEC Traffic Marshals. Exhibitor Vehicle Passes must be displayed at all times.

Please follow all instructions given by the traffic marshals and Venue security. They are there for safety reasons and for your own safety.

Please refer to the Exhibition Timetable.

Solex 2022 closes at 15.00 on Thursday 14th July 2022. Please note that Breakdown Personnel will not be allowed into the halls until after the show has closed, even if they are in possession of visitor or exhibitor passes.

Vehicles arriving at NEC for the break down should follow the same procedure as for the build-up. On arrival drivers will be directed to the vehicle marshalling area before being allocated to the Hall loading areas. Passes issued for the build-up are also valid for the break down. NB Vehicles for the break down will not be scheduled. Priority will be given to cars and small vans during the early stages. Please ask your staff to co-operate with traffic marshals and security at all times.

Removal of exhibits and displays commences immediately after 15.30 on this day. However if visitors are still in the hall, breakdown may be delayed until they leave the hall.

Please ensure you take care when dismantling stands particularly during the first 30 minutes of the breakdown as there may still be visitors in the halls. Under no circumstances may any goods be removed or packed away from your stand before this time. An announcement will be made when breakdown can commence.

Please follow all instructions given by the organiser, floor manager and venue security. They are there for safety reasons and your safety.

Electrical power to stands will be switched off 30 minutes after the exhibition closes at 15.00. If you require power to be left on after these times it is important you inform the electrical contractor in advance.

Car Parking

Exhibitor and Visitor parking will be in the North 3-5 Car Parks. A Shuttle Bus will run on each of the open days, starting one hour before the show opens and finishing one hour after show closes.


The official contractors for the event are Xav-Eight.  

Dimension 8 Ltd
28 Clearwater Road
Queensway Ind Est
South Wales
NP19 4ST

Tel: 01633 270808
Fax: 01633 274141
E-mail: [email protected]

Any exhibitor requiring carpet or other floor coverings should complete & submit the form in the Order Forms section of this manual.

Catalogue Entries

The show catalogue will comprise a complete list of companies attending the show, at the time of going to press, detailing their exhibits. Image matters will be in contact with all exhibitors in order to collect the required information for these entries.


Food toyou is The NEC’s exhibition catering service, based on site here in Birmingham.

The food to you team can provide exhibitors and contractors with a wide choice of fresh, quality food, beverages and essential catering equipment direct to a stand or organisers office at a specified time (or series of times) during your event. From freshly baked breakfast pastries or sandwich lunches, to delicious party platters or reception nibbles, the food to you team have something for everyone.

Please note that all Stand Catering must be order through Food to you – exhibitors may not bring in outside catering without the express permission of the NEC.

Please contact the team for further information on how to pre-order products:

Tel: +44 (0) 844 338 8338
Fax: +44 (0) 844 581 1434
Email: [email protected]


No person under the age of 16 will be admitted to the venue during the build-up, open days or break down. This rule applies to exhibitors’ and contractors’ children. Please ensure your staff and contractors are aware of this rule.


The Exhibition Hall and Stands will be cleaned prior to opening each day. Exhibitors are requested to place refuse for collection in bags and leave them in the aisles at the close of business.

If any special cleaning services are required such as washing and polishing surfaces please contact:

The NEC, Birmingham
B40 1PJ

Tel: 0844 338 8338
Fax: 0844 581 1434
Email: [email protected]

Please note that there may be an additional charge for this service.

Cooking / BBQ Demonstrations

Please see cooking & BBQ Demonstrations for more information.

Delivery of Exhibits

Follow the signs for your relevant exhibition leading to the vehicle marshalling area. Drivers will register their arrival and then will be held in this area until authorised to proceed to the hall unloading areas. Please note that access to the halls is not permitted before 08.00 hrs. Vehicle passes, where ordered, will be sent to you approximately two weeks prior to the first day of build-up and should be completed and displayed in a prominent position on all delivery vehicles.

Porters will be available to assist with lighter goods between 8am & 5pm during build up days. If you are using a courier to deliver items please ensure there is a representative of your company on site to receive the packages, as the Organisers cannot accept responsibility for deliveries. All packages should be clearly marked as follows:

Name of exhibition Your company name
Stand number
SOLEX 2022
Hall 17-19, 
National Exhibition Centre
West Midlands
B40 1NT

Please assist other exhibitors by ensuring that your delivery vehicles are unloaded quickly and removed immediately. Please also ask your staff to co-operate with the marshals at all times.


Please see separate section.


You are reminded that you will be charged for making good any damage to the hall or stand area, including the floor, caused by your staff or contractors.
Under no circumstances can stand construction, graphics, etc be attached to the fabric of the building.

Disability Discrimination Act

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), which has recently been revised, stipulates that no one can unfairly discriminate against disabled persons. Although the Organisers recognise that many exhibitors like to innovate with their stand design, the DDA is to be adhered to in all aspects of stand design, build and operation. We recommend that you make reasonable provision for visitors classified as disabled under the DDA within your stand design.

You must clearly demonstrate in your Risk Assessment how you will not discriminate e.g. exhibits/products are clearly visible on the perimeter edges of the stand, portable ramps will be available instead, stand staff are trained to deal with enquiries etc.

“It is important that service providers do not assume that the only way to make services accessible to disabled people is to make a physical alteration to their premises (such as installing a ramp or widening a doorway). Often, minor measures such as allowing more time to serve a disabled customer will help disabled people to use a service. Disability awareness training for staff is also likely to be appropriate”. – DDA Code of Practice.

When submitting stand designs, please clearly document the control measures in place if not submitting the Risk Assessment with the plans. The DDA goes into much more details regarding a company’s requirements and platforms and ramps are just one factor. For further information please visit or .

Electrical Installations & Supplies

The official contractors for the event are:


Tel: +44 (0)1446 509 110
E-mail: [email protected]

An order form for electrical supplies can be found in the Order Forms section of this manual and should be submitted by 10th June 2022.

Socket Loading Guide

Electricity Supply Timetable

Electricity will be energised to stands as quickly as possible during the build-up period, subject to satisfactory inspection and testing of installations. Occasionally delays may occur due to the fact that adjoining stands are not complete and ready for inspection. During the full open days, power to stands will be from 08.00 each day until 30 minutes after the show closes. Any exhibitor needing electricity for the running down of machinery or working equipment etc. after the exhibition closes on the final day must inform the Organising Office of their requirements.

If you require power after the published build-up hours, you must notify the organiser’s office who can arrange this with the venue who will notify you of the charges.

Please remember to specify 24-hour electricity supply if this is required for refrigerators and/or computer equipment.

Emergency Procedure

A full copy of the NEC Emergency Procedures will be left on your stand. Please ensure that a copy of this is issued to all members of your staff, contractors and sub-contractors whilst on-site.

Exhibitor Passes & Badges

For security reasons, all exhibitors and contractors must wear their identification badges at all times when in The NEC. If you require further badges on site please go to the Organisers Office.

Exhibitor badges can be ordered online from our Registration Company by clicking here.

Exhibitor Vehicle passes should be displayed in the windscreen of vehicles entering the loading bay. This area is for delivery and collection only and parking is not permitted.

First Aid

Should a medical emergency arise then please contact a representative from NEC Security who will be able to arrange a first aid representative to come to the scene. Alternatively, contact the Organiser’s Office and contact will be made from there.


During the build-up and breakdown periods, Emergency Gangways will be in operation and must remain completely clear at all times.

During the open period under no circumstances must any part of a stand, furniture, or exhibits project beyond the boundary of the stand, with the exception of the Organisers’ shell scheme fingerboard, which will project into the gangways.

Doors or windows must not open outwards onto gangways. All doors must have vision panels.

Exhibitors should not engage in any activity or employ any person or device that, in the opinion of the Organisers, tends to create unreasonable congestion in the gangways.

Health & Safety

Please click to view the Health & Safety of this manual.


The organisers will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any persons or property of the exhibitors, their employees, contractors or visitors from any cause whatsoever.

Exhibitors are advised to carry insurance cover for the following:

  • The full value of their exhibits and contents of stands whilst on display, being erected/dismantled and in transit.
  • Loss of expenses, incurred in arranging their participation in the exhibition, due to the cancellation, abandonment or postponement.
  • Exhibitors must carry insurance cover for public liability risks whilst exhibiting within The NEC to include damage to the exhibition hall caused by the exhibitor, their staff or their stand contractor.

Exhibitors are reminded that normal office/warehouse policies do not always include cover whilst at an exhibition, or in transit, for property or for public liability.

Please note that our Exhibitors’ Contract requires you to have Public Liability Insurance. This is to protect you against any claim and/or loss made in respect of bodily injury to third parties or damage to property belonging to third parties. You should note that this is not the same as Employers’ Liability insurance which is mandatory in the UK. You may already have Public Liability cover, however it is important to note that not all business policies offer cover for organised events taking place outside your business premises.

Whilst we take every precaution to protect your property during the event, the Organisers are not responsible for any loss or damage. You may wish to consider buying insurance cover.

In addition, you can insure against having to cancel or curtail your attendance at our event due to reasons beyond your control.

We wish to draw your attention to the Exhibitors’ Insurance Packages offered by Insurex Expo-sure.

UK Financial Services Authority regulations do not permit us to advise you on any insurance matter. You are under no obligation to purchase such insurance from Insurex Expo-Sure and may choose to seek insurance from other providers.

You are responsible for ensuring that this cover suits your needs.

Insurex Expo-Sure a division of Hiscox Underwriting Limited, a company authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, provides specialist event insurance for the conference, exhibition, events and hospitality market. With 30 years’ experience, Insurex Expo-Sure insures all kinds of events from large annual business conferences, major exhibitions and one-off firework displays to sporting occasions, weddings and other specialist events. Insurex Expo-Sure’s products are underwritten by Hiscox Syndicate 33 at Lloyd’s of London which is managed by Hiscox Syndicates Limited, a company authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and the quality of their products is recognised as one of the highest by event industry associations.

If you decide to use the services of Insurex Expo-sure, simply follow the link below to their website and choose the relevant option:

Internet & IT Services

There is now free wifi for visitors/ exhibitors in all areas of the NEC. To log on you there is a simple 3 step process:
1 – Ensure the wifi is enabled on your device
2 – View the available wireless networks and select ” NEC Free WiFi” then click connect
3 – Open your internet browser and follow the on screen instructions to register.

Due to the instability of wireless connectivity within the structure of an exhibition, if a stable IT connection is an integral part of your stand we strongly recommend a hard wired connection as the most secure and reliable source of internet.

For all your Internet & IT Services please contact:

Birmingham B40 1NT

Tel: 0844 338 8338
Fax: 0844 581 1434
Email: [email protected]


Any Exhibitor requiring lifting services on-site should contact:

Maelstrom Event Solutions
Mercury House
Shrewsbury Business Park
Sitka Drive
Tel: +44 (0)1743 606744
Email: [email protected]

Please note this is a first-come first-serve basis. Too book a slot please see the front help desk and speak to a member of Maelstrom who will be able to arrange a forklift. Please note there may be a wait.


Any music played or noise generated by any other means must be kept at a level of volume that does not cause disturbance to other exhibitors.

Notification of Own Contractor

It is requested that exhibitors with Space Only sites notify the Organisers of their appointed contractors as soon as possible. Please note that Exhibitors are responsible for undertaking a suitable and sufficient Risk Assessment with their contractors, specifically for the show.

When briefing your contractor, please ensure that they are aware of the stand building regulations specific to this show.

Organisers’ Office

The Organisers’ office is located adjacent to the exhibition entrance. Prior to this if you have any queries regarding your participation please contact:

Maelstrom Event Solutions
Tel: +44 (0) 1743 606744
Fax: +44 (0) 1743 606749
Email: [email protected]

Press Office

The Press Office will be located in the Organisers Offices at the entrance.


To assist you with loading and unloading, we will provide a porter service during build-up and break down. However, there will only be a limited number of hands on call and their time will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Porters can be arranged through Maelstrom Exhibition Services on site. Please note that this service will only be scheduled during build up between 8am & 5pm. If you require assistance outside of these hours, please contact Maelstrom Event Solutions prior to build up to discuss your requirements.

Public Address

During the show open hours the public address system is not available to exhibitors or visitors. It is for the sole use of the Organisers and venue management for emergencies and official announcements and cannot be utilised for publicity purposes etc.

Removal of Exhibits

If you are arranging for goods to be collected after the show closes, we strongly advise you not to leave goods unattended at any time before they are collected. We would urge all exhibitors to arrange collection by the evening of Thursday 14th July 2022 as the breakdown of an exhibition is a particularly vulnerable time.

Neither the NEC nor the organisers can accept responsibility for damage to stands or goods or the loss of any property on any stand or anywhere else in the SOLEX 2022 exhibition.

Rigging & Trussing

For any rigging requirements please contact Xav Eight. [email protected]

To view a price list please click here.

Risk Assessment & Method Statement

All Exhibitors must submit a Health & Safety Declaration Form to Maelstrom Event Solutions.

All Exhibitors must also ensure that their Risk Assessment covers the entire duration of the event i.e. build-up, the open period and breakdown.

Space only exhibitors must also ensure that the company responsible for building and dismantling their stand send a copy of their Risk Assessment and Method Statement when submitting stand plans.

Please refer to the Health & safety Section of this manual for guidelines and sample Risk Assessments/Method Statements.


Whilst every reasonable precaution is taken to ensure the safety and security of personnel and equipment the organisers cannot accept responsibility for injury, loss or damage or any consequential losses which may befall your personnel or their property.
The organisers will implement comprehensive security cover throughout our tenancy for SOLEX 2022. The following precautions will help reduce the risk of theft from your stand:

  1. Be especially vigilant during the build-up and break down periods.
  2. Ensure that your stand is manned well before the show opens and until all visitors have left at the close.
  3. Secure items of value, particularly personal effects, mobile phones, handbags, briefcases, and laptop computers. These items are particular targets for petty thieves and should be kept secure.
  4. At night lock away items of value or if possible take them with you.
  5. Utilise the secure store for overnight safe keeping of items of value.

NB. Please report any theft or suspicious incident to the Organisers or a member of the security team immediately.

Selling from Stand

There is to be no direct selling to show visitors from exhibition stands.


During SOLEX 2022 there will be no promotional signage opportunities available to exhibitors outside of the exhibition hall.

Smoking Policy

The NEC is a no smoking premises. There is a designated smoking area close to the main entrance to the venue.

Stand Design and Approval

All stands must be open plan with no dividing walls and no shell schemes. For Stand Fitting Regulations section.

Fully detailed and scaled plans must be submitted for all Space Only stands. Photographs, unclear faxed drawings or drawings from other exhibitions will not be accepted. All plans and associated documentation must be submitted in English. No stand may be constructed on-site without official approval. Upon confirmation from Maelstrom Event Solutions, no alterations can be made to the drawings submitted.

Complex Structures
A complex structure is any form of construction of any height which requires cross-bracing and/or would normally be designed by an engineer and /or has, through a Risk Assessment, been found to present significant risk. Structures over 4 meters in height, multi-storey stands and suspended items of 400kg and over are always treated as complex structures. Platforms and stages 600mm or over in height, tiered seating and stairs are also considered complex structures. Such structures must have fully detailed structural calculations and/or a detailed Constructional Method Statement along with a suitable and sufficient Risk Assessment submitted at the same time as your stand plans.

Three copies of the scaled drawings, together with 3 sets of structural calculations and construction drawings to prove stability must be submitted to Matthew Lambert at Maelstrom Event Solutions no later than 30 days prior to the show. Alternatively if you are able to email all of the necessary paperwork, one copy will suffice.

Plans should include:

  • All dimensions
  • Building materials to be used
  • A ground plan and elevation drawing
  • The name, postal and email address and telephone number of the exhibitor, contractor or designer submitting the plans
  • A copy of the Risk Assessment and method statement
  • For complex structures, a full copy of the structural calculations

All plans should be sent to:

Georgie Spooner
Maelstrom Event Solutions
Global House
Shrewsbury Business Park
Sitka Drive
Email: [email protected]


There are no facilities for the storage of boxes, packing cases, sales literature etc and these must be removed before the end of build-up.

A secure store for small items of value will be provided, however space is limited. Please contact a member of the organisers’ office to arrange for secure storage.

Traffic Control

All vehicles entering the NEC road system must conform to speed limits, road signs and instructions given by the NEC Traffic Officers.

The maximum safe clearance beneath the high voltage electricity grid lines that traverse the site access roads is 5 metres.

All deliveries and collections should be made via the traffic marshalling area – as indicated on the map included with this manual.

Vehicle passes do not entitle the bearer to parking and all vehicles must be removed as soon as they are unloaded.

Parking in unauthorised areas causes delays for everyone – please ensure that your contractors and staff co-operate with the NEC staff at all times.

Unusual Exhibits / Activities

If you are doing anything out of the ordinary on your stand, it is important that you notify the organisers to make sure that all necessary permissions are sought from the venue, Local Authority or any other parties.

Water and Waste

The official contractor for this service is NEC Services Department. Please see the Water & Waste Services form that should be returned by 8th June 2019.

For further information contact:

NEC Services Department
Tel: 0844 338 8338
Fax: 0844 581 1434
Email: [email protected]

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Regulations for Stand Building

Stand Fitting Regulations

  1. All advertising and logos must be within the specified height limits and must not be sited on back of dividing walls, especially where they overhang an adjoining stand.
  2. All stand structures, signs, exhibits etc. must be contained within the area allotted and may not project into or over the gangway.
  3. All exhibits and stand fitting material must be contained within your stand space.
  4. All painting on-site must be carried out with water-based paint. Finishes having oil or cellulose base are not permitted to be applied on-site.
  5. Artificial flowers are highly flammable and give off toxic fumes. These must not be used for stand dressing.
  6. All stand structures must be completely self-supporting. Suspension may not be made from the roof of the exhibition halls, nor may any fixing be made to the structure of the building. Nothing may be drilled, attached or bolted to the hall floor.
  7. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to examine the site allotted pre-show in order to avoid costly adjustments to stand structures from any building obstruction or pillars, for which the organisers cannot accept any responsibility.
  8. All solid timber under 25mm thick must be impregnated (pressure process) to CLASS 1 flame-resistant standard. Boards, plywood, chipboard etc. must be treated in the same way if they are under 18mm thick. Solid timber over 25mm thick need not be treated. All such treated timber must have BS476 CLASS 1 marked on them.
  9. Plastics used for construction and display purposes (including exhibits) must conform to BS478 Class 1 Fire Regulations. Lexan and Macralon are acceptable. Perspex must not be used. Polycarbonate is widely used for clear sheeting.
  10. Textile fabrics used for interior display purposes on the stand must be flameproof or purchased already treated by use of the approved chemicals in accordance with BS5438 and BS5852. Textile fabrics used for interior decorative purposes must be fixed taut and / or in tight pleats (not draped) to a solid backing and secured at least 50mm above floor level to avoid a trip hazard, not touching light fittings or other heat sources.
  11. All work must be carried out using non-flammable material.
  12. The Organisers may, at the expense of the exhibitor, remove or alter anything in, on, or forming part of any stand if, in their opinion, it is desirable to do so in the interests of the exhibition.
  13. The design of the stand must be such that it can be erected and dismantled within the time available.
  14. All doors must have a clear window (min size 250mm x 250mm). If being used by visitors, the door must be min 800mm wide and give a zone of visibility between 900mm and 1500mm above floor level.
  15. All glazing used in the construction of stands must be safety glass. It must comply with the current UK Building Regulations and relevant British Standards, including BS6206 and BS6262. Any uninterrupted, large areas of clear glazing shall be indicated so as to be readily apparent (for example by warning stripes, dots or logos). Overhead glazing shall be of wired or laminated glass, or be otherwise adequately protected from shattering.
  16. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring their stand contractor employs safe working practices and are aware of their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act.
  17. Lone working, especially after-hours, is not permitted on-site. All persons must have a colleague to assist them where suitable.

Stand Fitting Regulations – Space Only Sites

Please also refer to:

  • Complex Structures
  • Contractors
  • Disability Act & Accessibility
  • Electrical Installations
  • Health & Safety
  • Stand Fitting Regulations above that apply to all stands within the exhibition

If you have a space only site at the show, you have a legal obligation to build your stand to the required standards as outlined by the Venue, Organiser and Local Authority regulations, some of which are outlined below.

  1. Space Only sites are not provided with any walling.
  2. Solid runs of stand walls along gangway edges are forbidden. All stands, irrespective of height, must have at least 75% of each frontage either open or fitted with (approved) transparent material with no more than a 4m continuous run of solid walling. Please take neighbouring exhibitors into account when designing your stand.
  3. Platforms – the provision of a platform may be regarded as necessary in order to cover some electrical installations and is the responsibility of the exhibitor. The general height of the platform should be no more than 100mm. Open corners of stand floors and platform shall be splayed, rounded or angled, if not protected by heavy exhibits, to avoid sharp corners and tripping hazards. Platform edges must be fully highlighted and the use of the platform must be included in the Risk Assessments. Due consideration must be given to the needs of disabled visitors. If a platform exceeds 38mm, it is recommended you incorporate a wheelchair access ramp. If a ramp is included the gradient must be no greater than 1:12, the ramp must be a minimum of 1m wide and be in a contrasting colour to the rest of the stand floor. It is also recommended that handrails be applied to either side of the ramp to assist the less mobile and prevent slips/trips. If a ramp is not practical or safe, then exhibitors must ensure that compliance measures to the DDA are included in the open period Risk Assessment e.g products clearly displayed on the perimeter of stands, a portable ramp is available for use if required, stand staff are trained to understand the needs of the disabled and allow more time to deal with them, hearing loops available, seating with arms is provided, large format print etc. Please refer to the Disability Discrimination Act in this manual. Details of “super platforms” (at a height of 600mm or more) to which persons have access must be submitted to the Organiser for approval of the Authorities. Please note that this is classified as a complex structure, therefore notification must be sent to Matthew Lambert at Maelstrom Event Solutions no later than 31st May including full structural calculations. The flooring must not be less than a nominal 25mm thick. Platforms must be of a strength and stability to carry and distribute the weight of stand fittings, exhibits, stand personnel and visitors having regard to the live loading limits of the floors.
  4. Branding is not permitted on the back of walls overlooking neighbouring exhibitors. Should there be a query regarding this onsite, the Organisers’ decision is final.
  5. All speakers are to be positioned within the boundaries of the stand and angled so that they face inwards towards the centre point of the stand. Noise output will be monitored on-site and the Organisers reserve the right to terminate any display causing a nuisance.
  6. Barriers are required to protect exposed edges of stairs, landings, balconies and other changes of level exceeding 380mm.

Fire Safety
Exhibitors must adhere to the Local Authority and Fire Brigade Regulations.

Any goods on your stand must be Class 1 (B.S. 476) fire retardant and will be subject to the following regulations

See also Stand Fitting Regulations  

Timber used in stand construction and displays
All timber under 1″ thick must be impregnated (pressure process) to Class 1 standard. Boards, plywood, chipboard, etc., must be treated in the same way if they are under 3/4″ thick – timber over 1″ thick need not be treated. Treated boards will have BS476 Class 1 marked on them.

Plastics used for construction and display purposes (including exhibits) must conform to BS476, Part 7/Class 1 Fire Regulations. Perspex must not be used; other polycarbonates or plastics that comply with BS476, Part 7/Class 1 can be used instead (Lexan and Macrolon are examples of acceptable alternatives).

Fabrics used in display
Textile fabrics used for interior display purposes on the stand must be flame proofed or purchased already treated by use of the approved chemicals, in accordance with BS5438.

Certain fabrics need not be proofed i.e. wool, twill and felt.

Textile fabrics used for interior decorative purposes within stands must be fixed taut and or/ in tight pleats (not draped) to a solid backing and secured 3″ above floor level, not touching light fittings.

Stand dressing
Artificial plants and flowers are combustible and give off toxic fumes and must not be used for stand dressing. Silk type flowers are acceptable provided they have been fireproofed to BS476 (part 7) and are thus marked.

The gangways used in this venue are the minimum permissible in law. Under no circumstances will exhibits, stand dressings, tables etc., be allowed to encroach into gangways. Offending items are liable, without warning, to be removed.

No excess stock, literature or packing cases may be stored on or around your stand.

Naked Flames
Naked flames or flammable liquids are only permitted if they are part of the product being exhibited and only at the discretion of the Venue’s Fire Officer. A full Fire Risk Assessment must be carried out by a competent person on behalf of the Exhibitor, and all safety control measures so required must be in place at the show and the Venue Fire Officer notified. The Organisers must be notified at least 14 days prior to the tenancy, and permission gained in writing.

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Health & Safety

Health & Safety at Work Act etc 1974

The Organisers are required by law to notify exhibitors of their obligations under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 during build-up, open and breakdown periods of the show.

The Organisers deem, by issuing this notice in advance of the show that all exhibiting companies are aware of the Health & Safety policies, which exist and will comply with their obligations as set out below.

The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and the regulations made under this act, in particular those which have been introduced into law as a consequence of the advent of the “Single European Market” (EU), impose duties and responsibilities upon ALL employers.

These duties are in no sense reduced when an employer is exhibiting at a trade fair or exhibition, and those which are most relevant to exhibitors are described in this section, and must be complied with by EVERY Exhibitor/Contractor.

Failure to do so not only creates problems for the Exhibition Organiser, but also represents a breach of law, and could result in the prosecution of an employer Exhibitor/Contractor by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).

Two requirements of the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1992 (MHSW) which have particular relevance are those calling for every employer to nominate a competent safety adviser (Regulation 6), and to co-operate with other employers when sharing a worksite, whether on a permanent or temporary basis (Regulation 9).

It is our obligation as Exhibition Organisers as well as our specific duty under the above regulations, that we request your co-operation by complying with the requirements described in this leaflet, the principal areas of which were also set out in the Exhibitors Manual.

Exhibitors are reminded that among the statutory duties, which they have under health and safety law, the following are most important, and could be subject to verification during the course of the Exhibition.

Listed below are principal areas, which need to be brought to your attention and that of your Contractors. The list is by no means comprehensive and a responsible attitude must be taken on all matters of Health and Safety whilst on site.

  1. That a written Company Health and Safety Policy should exist if the company is 5 or more strong. (Section 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 [HASAWA]).
  2. That a “suitable and sufficient” risk assessment should exist in respect to all the significant risks in the business which are not already subject to other regulations e.g. COSHH, noise, etc. This assessment must be in writing if the workforce totals 5 or more. (Regulation 3 – MHSW).
  3. That one or more competent safety advisers must be appointed by an employer to assist him in discharging his health and safety responsibilities. (Regulation 6 – SW).
  4. That every employer has a duty to co-operate with other employers e.g. Exhibition Organisers, Venue Owners when sharing a workplace, whether temporarily or permanently.
  5. Understanding Fire and Emergency Procedures of The NEC and the location of the First Aid Room.
  6. The use of hard hats when working beneath or near overhead working or if this is impracticable, restricting access in such areas. See Hard hat Policy.
  7. The need for all operatives to wear suitable personnel protective equipment & clothing relevant to their job, which includes eye, hearing, foot and hand protection.
  8. The safe use and storage of flammable liquids and substances and segregation from waste and other risk areas.
  9. Ensuring that portable power equipment is used for the purpose for which it was designed and that safety guards are correctly fitted and used.
  10. Ensuring that portable electric tools are used with minimum length of trailing leads and that such equipment is not left unattended with a live power supply to it. All electrical equipment brought on site must have a relevant PAT test certificate. All electrical equipment should use 110 V and/or RCD protection on 240 V supplies. All equipment should comply with all electrical regulations and be in good safe working order.
  11. That stacker trucks/forklift trucks are not used by other than fully trained licensed personnel and are fitted with hazard warning strobe and audible warning. All access equipment used should also be fitted with hazard warning strobe. All operators should be IPAF licensed or equivalent and license must be shown upon request. All Operators will be expected to adhere to HSE guidelines when using any such equipment. Harnesses and hard hats must be worn by any personnel working above the floor level.
  12. That chemicals and flammable liquids are removed from the Centre after use by the user or in exceptional circumstances, brought to the attention of the Cleaning Department for safe and proper disposal. Such products must not be placed in general rubbish bins or skips.
  13. That any work area is maintained free from general waste materials, which could hazard operatives. Access routes throughout the exhibition are maintained as a safe and clean environment.
  14. Only scaffolding incorporating standard safety features may be used and that any tower scaffold in use is properly stabilised and propped.
  15. That all electrical work within the Hall will be carried out by the Organisers nominated contractor. Compliance with the EVA Regulations for Stand electrical Installations is mandatory.
  16. That all materials used for construction or display be to Local Authority Standards and not less than British Class 0 surface spread of flame rating and all fabrics being flame retardant.
  17. All material handling devices – in particular trolleys, pallet trucks should have compliant certification of periodic tests – should be used only for their designated purpose and should not be overloaded. Manual handling must comply with the latest HSE Guidelines.

All Exhibitors must complete and submit the Health & Safety Declaration Form which can be found in the Order Forms section of this manual.

Risk Assessment

It is a legal requirement and part of the Terms and Conditions of Stand Hire that all exhibitors undertake a risk assessment for their stand at the Show. Exhibitors must ensure that their risk assessment covers the entire duration of the event i.e. build-up, the open period and breakdown.

Organising and running an exhibition counts under law as work activity and similarly, under law, each stand at each exhibition is deemed to have its own separate work place. Stand managers must undertake a written risk assessment prior to each exhibition, identifying the hazards present on their stand and the ways in which those hazards will be controlled. It should include arrangements for the safety of visitors on and around the stand.

Space only exhibitors must also ensure that the company responsible for building and dismantling their stand send a copy of their risk assessment and method statement when submitting stand plans.

Risk assessment guidelines

By Law, your Risk Assessment must be ‘suitable and sufficient’: A suitable and sufficient risk assessment is one that:

  • Correctly and accurately identifies the hazard.
  • Disregards inconsequential risks and those trivial risks associated with life in general.
  • Determines the likelihood of injury or harm arising.
  • Quantifies the severity of the consequences and the numbers of people who would be affected.
  • Take account of any existing control measures.
  • Identifies any specific legal duty or requirement relating to the hazard.
  • Will remain valid for a reasonable time.
  • Provides sufficient information to enable the employer to decide upon the appropriate control measures, taking into account the latest scientific developments and advances; enables the employer to prioritise remedial measures.

At The NEC the following items are seen as special risk and therefore must be included in a suitable and sufficient risk assessment:

Balloon displays
BBQ, garden pools, and water features
Compressed gases
Laser products & display lasers
Radioactive substances
Smoke machines
Strobe lighting
Vehicle displays
Welding & hot work
Working display and machinery
Children under 16 years old

It must also be simple to understand, implement and communicate to all your staff and contractors. Below are some guidelines to assist you with writing a Risk Assessment.

Step 1: Look for the hazards:
What equipment, materials and chemicals will be used? How much noise and dirt will there be? What are the ground conditions? What vehicle movements and lifting operations have to be considered? Do you need to schedule a Late Working Rota? to avoid tiredness and accidents. How will you be disposing of waste? Are there any electrical installations? What hazardous vehicles/exhibits do you have? Can visitors fall from a height? Can visitors harm themselves on any of your exhibits/stand fitting? What fire prevention measures will be put in place? Will anyone be undertaking any heavy lifting? Is there any working at height taking place? Are any power/hand tools being used? Will there be catering on the stand that will result in food waste? Will there be any hot surfaces? Are you having any live displays on the stand that will require additional safety measures? Is there anything that could pose a slip/trip hazard?

Step 2: Decide who could be harmed and how:
Who will be affected by your work and most at risk? Think of your employees, contractors or Exhibitors on or near your stand, through to the visitors themselves. Safe working depends on co-operation and exchange of information between firms on site, so take this into account and consider necessary precautions on every aspect of the work being carried out, which may include training and the provision of relevant information.

Step 3: Evaluate the risks and write down Control Measures:
Once you have done this adequately, you can then decide on the appropriate action you are going to take to eliminate them. Ask yourself (a) can the hazard or risk be removed completely or done in a different way; (b) if the risk cannot be eliminated, can it be isolated, controlled or reduced and how; (c) can protective measures be taken that will protect the entire workforce on site? Protective work wear should be considered as the last step to take and may not be the only solution.

Step 4: Record and notify the findings:
Write down the findings of your Risk Assessment. Pass on information about significant risks to those people identified in Step 2 and record what measures you have taken to control those risks. Write it all down, then do it on site and remember to keep it simple.

Step 5: Review your findings:
This allows you to learn by experience and take account of any unusual conditions or changes that occur on site. The Stand Manager and/or Principal Contractor should draw up the Risk Assessment as well as a specific Method Statement and go through it with all relevant parties in advance of the Show. Update the Risk Assessment as and when required, such as if new work practices are brought in or new staff employed or the working environment changes in any way. Ordinary hand-written changes are quite acceptable, but remember to implement the changes required for next time.

Remember that you must communicate any changes to your Risk Assessment to all those that are involved, otherwise you will have wasted your time and potentially put your colleagues at risk.

Please click here for a copy of a Sample Risk Assessment

Method Statement

  • It is vital that an Exhibitor undertakes a suitable Method Statement and submits it at the same time as the stand design.
  • Please note that the legal requirement to produce a Risk Assessment will assist you when preparing the Method Statement.

Your method statement should, as a guide, include the following:

Responsible Person(s):
(The employee who will be responsible for the construction and breakdown of your stand): eg: ?Mr ………….? is in charge on-site, and can be contacted on (mobile) in an emergency out of hours.

Details of the Stand:
(The loadings, dimensions, location, unusual stand features): eg: To be erected in Hall………….on stand………….surface total…………. upper deck m² structural calculations for a design load of……. kg/m²

(Details of the entry point into the halls and the route to the final position): eg: There will be no abnormal deliveries – the estimated number of vehicles on-site will be three.

Erection and Timetable:
The sequence and schedule in which all the stand elements will be built, including alignment, electrical connections etc): eg: We will erect the stand in two teams – one team for the upper deck and one team for the back wall, partition walls, displays etc (forklift trucks see lifting); The estimated number of hours to erect the stand is 36 which will fit in with the Organisers timetable; there will be no late working for this exhibition; the number of personnel needed (within the time allowed) to safely complete the stand is eight.

(Methods of ensuring adequate structural support of any stand element that requires cross bracing, with calculations and inspection certificate from an independent structural engineer): eg: Stability will be ensured at all times. Procedures as follows: upper deck structure consists of pillars and beams (heavy-duty steel beams of square section (20 x 20cm consisting of IPB 200 steel). Steps of Erection First frame assembled on floor, truck lifted into the vertical, held by temporary props. Second frame will be likewise truck lifted to vertical and connected to first frame using beams. Props will then be removed as this rectangular structure can stand for itself. It will be positioned and aligned as appropriate. Any pillars and beams will then be connected to the basic structure one after the other (in sequence) until the upper deck is completed. Wooden beams will be inserted into the steel beams to provide support for the platform floor boards (screwed to wooden beams). Stairs will be assembled and attached to upper deck. Before proceeding to other work on the upper deck the balustrades/railings will be fitted.

(Outline the equipment that will be used, their capacities, weight, locations and floor loadings. Check the operative?s current license or Certificate of Competence; check machine?s inspection certificate or maintenance record): eg: Forklift truck required for erection – 2 tonnes lifting capacity to be sourced by the appointed lifting company and provided locally.

(Include details of temporary and mobile scaffolds, access towers and other work at height which you intend to carry out): eg: A 3m mobile scaffold tower will be sourced locally, with all safeguards properly employed on-site. Operatives will be trained and experienced in scaffold systems.

(Any proposed use of hazardous and toxic substances must be advised to the Organisers and Venue. Outline the protection provided for employees and workers on adjacent stands): eg: There will be no hazardous or toxic substances used on-site.

(Consider any abnormal noise that may be present, or work which may create dust or fumes. What ventilation and other control measures will be provided?): eg: No abnormal noise, dust or fumes will be present. Current hall ventilation is adequate.

(Note where electrical work will be carried out, welding, gases, compressed air, water or waste services will be brought onto site): eg: Electrical work will be carried out by the appointed Contractors. There will be no welding, gases, compressed air, water or waste;

Safety features:
(Identify the safety equipment and precautions that you will be providing on-site, including protective measures that you will be implementing for all of the above, and areas of risk as highlighted by your Risk Assessment): eg: Hard hats will be supplied to all staff in the vicinity of overhead work; a banks man will be employed when reversing our vehicles.

(Provide the Organisers with any/all details on exhibits which may present a risk to the public and/or the operator. How will this exhibit be delivered onto your stand? What machine guarding or other special requirements are there? What hazardous waste will be produced?): eg: The machine will be roped off and strong transparent guards used as detailed in our Risk Assessment. It will be delivered onto the stand by the appointed lifting company. The waste will be collected after the show shuts each day and removed safely by ………….. Ltd. Access for this company will be arranged with the Organisers prior to the show by ………….

Please click here for a copy of a Sample Method Statement.

Electrical Rules & Regulations

The Laymans Guide To Sockets

Information extracted from the EVA regulations for stand / electrical installations updated in June 2001. Advise the following to be compliant and safe:

Sockets (Outlet) Supply
A standard socket supplied from the local building distribution network can sound complex, but it is not really. It becomes complex if we make it so.

The main rules are as follows:

1 single outlet = 1 x a 4 way unit rated at 500 watts total load, e.g. a mobile phone charger and laptop.

The 4-way unit must not be longer than 2 metres from the socket source and should be fused in the unit by a relevant fuse rating (5 amps). The cable should be of a compliant flex construction and not be of a non-flexible construction i.e. twin and earth.

Any supply required above 500 watts must be specially ordered, so as to enable technical services to calculate loadings on the supply circuit.


1. Please note, that NO daisy chaining (connecting) from one 4-way unit to another 2/4 way unit is allowed as this could compromise the circuit loading. Any stand that is found to be daisy chaining may have the cables removed without notice or the power shut off if they are deemed as dangerous by the NEC electrician or contractor.

2. All 4 way units used in the exhibition/conference environment should have a current PAT test and should have the relevant certified sticker or certificate available upon request. No units of above 4 ways can be used i.e. 6 way, 10 way etc

3. Under No Circumstances are exhibitors or contractors allowed to access any power connections within the venue.

4. Please ensure that all lighting is designed so that it does not cause nuisance to any neighbouring stands or venue access

5. Although Shows electrical contractor will try to keep any cables to a minimum, on occasions some stands will be required to carry The Venue mains supply cable and switch box. If your stand does have a mains cable and switch, please ensure that it is kept accessible at all times.

A competent person must have tested any electrical appliance connected to a socket before it is plugged in and energised. The responsibility for ensuring such testing is that of the person, or persons responsible for bringing the equipment in the Halls. Make sure all equipment is P.A.T. tested on a regular basis and is visually sound including flex and plug. Current test certificate must be available on equipment for random checking by the Venue Management.

Competent Persons
Stand wiring installations shall be carried out only by competent persons, qualified by training and experience who are properly supervised. Competent persons for this purpose shall be those with suitable qualifications with documentary proof & are authorised by the Venue to carry out work.

Floor Ducts
Ducts set into the floor of the halls do not form part of the premises. Access to and use of the floor ducts is limited to employees of the Venue or contractors employed by the Venue.

At every lighting point an earth terminal shall be provided and connected to the earth continuity conductor of the final sub-circuit. If supplying your own lighting make sure it is earthed.

Where the electrical bonding to earth of metal framed stands, metal water pipes, sinks and other items is necessary, this shall be connected to an earth conductor which terminates to the Centre’s electrical supply. This bonding conductor shall have a minimum cross section area of 6mm2.

Flexible cords shall be of a circular section, fully insulated and sheathed, and the only form of jointing shall be purpose made non reversible flex connectors being shrouded and having an earth terminal.

For static appliances, flexible cords shall not exceed 2 metres in length and for mobile appliances (e.g. vacuum cleaners) the length shall be kept to a minimum.

Special Lighting Systems
Where “Client’s own” equipment is used this must comply with all regulations and will be subject to testing and checks.

Other Lighting Systems
Only systems designed and manufactured to suit their intended use shall be permitted and these must comply with all regulations.

Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) Transformers shall be of Class 11 safety isolating type conforming to BS3535 (IEC742, IEC1140, and EN60742) or providing an equivalent degree of safety, having a fused primary connection. Every secondary connection shall be individually fused to its appropriate rating or shall be fitted with a manual reset protective device approved by the Centre’s engineer.

Transformers shall be clearly labelled indicating the precise details of any integral secondary circuit protective device that they are manual reset and shall include the rated transformer power output in V.A.

Particular care shall be taken when installing SELV transformers, which shall be fixed at high level, allowing adequate ventilation and access for testing and fuse replacement.

Cable Sizing
Selection of cabling for SELV circuits shall take into consideration both volt drop and current carrying restraints subject to a maximum volt drop on 12v supplies of 0.6 volts.

Cabling from SELV transformers supplying Extra Low Voltage Track shall be of sufficient size for the full current rating of the transformer.

Any goods attached to stands will constitute part of your stand and will be subject to these regulations.

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Site Rules & Induction

Site Rules

Whilst working at the event, it is important that you are aware of the safety rules, procedures and arrangements that are in place for your safety and that of your colleagues.

All of your employees and contractors are required to read these Site Rules prior to working and the following apply to all staff, organisers, contractors and exhibitors:

  • Comply with Venue Traffic Rules and follow the instruction of venue traffic marshals at all times
  • Vehicle access into the halls has to be approved by the Venue/Organisers of the event
  • Any vehicle or plant driven within the hall must adhere to the 5MPH speed limit and operate with hazards/turned on lights
  • Drivers must give way to pedestrians within the event hall/s and pedestrians must give way to vehicles within the loading bay/s
  • No persons are permitted to operate plant or machinery (including fork lift trucks) unless they have received adequate training
  • Appropriate management and safe methods of working at height is required at all times – in any areas where working at height is being carried out, the immediate area must be controlled
  • Ladder work must only be conducted for short work periods – you must NOT stand on the top tier of your ladders -any unsafe ladder work may result in the employee being ejected from the venue
  • No substances are to be used in the hall which have not been pre agreed by the venue and event organiser
  • Any person suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be ejected from the venue
  • Hi Vis Jackets are compulsory during build up and breakdown and appropriate footwear must be worn whilst working in the venue – flip-flops, open-toed sandals, ballet pumps etc. are NOT acceptable
  • No hot works can take place in the venue without a Hot Works Permit being issued
  • All contractor accidents, incidents & near misses must be reported immediately to the organiser
  • Work Tidy – during builds and breakdowns, you must ensure aisles are kept clear at all times and that all waste is to be disposed of in an appropriate manner

Site Induction



  • If you have any security concerns please contact a venue employee or the organiser’s office. Inform them of the nature and location of the problem.
  • Do not leave any personal belongings or valuables unattended on your stand, the venue and organisers cannot be held responsible for any losses.

DO NOT PHONE FOR AN AMBULANCE – a venue first aider will do this if required.

  • A first aider can be contacted via the organiser’s office, using an internal phone on 2222 or using an external phone on 0121 767 2222
  • If possible give the following information:
    • Who you are
    • Who the injured person is
    • Exact Location
    • Nature of medical emergency
    • Is the patient male or female
    • Approximate age
    • Are they breathing, conscious or unconscious
    • Nature of illness – do they have chest pains/are they bleeding, etc.

All accidents, incidents or near misses must be reported to the Organiser/Venue Event Manager


On discovering a fire:

  • On discovering a fire, raise the alarm by pressing the fire alarm break glass point
  • Or Use the Phone and Inform Site Operations Centre (Ops Centre) on the Fire Emergency Number : 3333 (Internal Phones -quicker) or 0121 767 3333 (External Phones)
  • Give the location and nature of fire.
  • Do not tackle the fire unless you have been trained, it is a very minor fire and it is safe to do so. Always ensure there is a safe exit route before attempting to extinguish any fire.
  • When it is safe to do so, identify yourself to a member of venue staff to assist with any follow up.

In the event of a fire report

  • In most areas the alarm will not sound initially – it will alert the Site Operations Centre who will dispatch the Fire Team to investigate.


  • In the event of an emergency you will hear the following public announcement: “Attention Please, attention please, this is an important announcement. Circumstances make it necessary for everyone to leave the building. Please make your way to the nearest exit. Please note your nearest exit may not be the one came in”
  • Immediately leave the building via the nearest exit, do not use lifts or stop to collect personal belongings.
  • Go to the nearest assembly point and do not leave this area or re-enter the building until told to do so. Please see the site map to locate your nearest assembly point.



  • The organiser’s office is in hall 18 at the front of the hall. If you need to contact a member or the organisers team on-site please call 07887758158.


  • Both female and male toilets along with hand wash basins are available throughout the venue.


  • Food outlets are available onsite during set up, show open and dismantle – both within the hall and in the public areas.
  • Drinking water is available to purchase in any of the food outlets.


  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is only permitted in the designated smoking areas.


  • Anyone found to be drinking alcohol or taking drugs will be asked to leave the venue


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Order Forms

FormForm NameDeadlineVendor
AHealth & Safety DeclarationImmediateMaelstrom Events
BCatalogue EntryImmediateImage Matters
CNew Product ShowcaseFriday 20th MayMaelstrom Events
DExhibitor BadgesImmediate
EContractor Details ImmediateMaelstrom Events
FElectrical Order FormFriday 10th June – Earlybird Xav-Eight
GFlooringFriday 10th JuneXav-Eight
HTruss & lightingFriday 10th JuneXav-Eight
IAVFriday 24th June – EarlybirdAztec
JInternet/Water & Waste/ Rigging/ CateringImmediateNEC
KCarbon Neutral Information FormImmediateLofa